YouTube here I come!
Hey there! It's that time of year again, New Year's resolution time! I don't know about you, but I've spent years and quite a bit of money on self-help books. It seems like they all have one consistent message: "Dream big and take action!" Sound familiar?
Now, if you know me well, you know that taking action has never been my issue. In fact, my problem lies in having too many projects on my plate. But as I enter my 60s, the feeling of time slipping away is becoming more apparent. Don't get me wrong though, this blog isn't about despair. It's more about my contemplations on how to make the best use of my time.
First and foremost, there's the age-old priority of "Health." Obviously, it becomes even more crucial as we age. There are plenty of new and old changes I could implement or revive in that area, but I won't bore you with those details. LOL!
On the creative side, I've become passionate again about developing my printmaking skills further and sharing what I've learned from studying Nāda yoga with the amazing Anandra George, founder of the Heart of Sound school.
The question is, how do I share and teach what I've learned? After some consideration, I've decided to do it through a YouTube channel.
I know, I know, it means learning a whole bunch of new skills, but hey, it's all part of my "keeping dementia away plan." So, where do I start? I do what anyone would do and Google "To-Do List for Starting a YouTube Channel"! And to be honest, it's a bit overwhelming. But hey, I'm up for the challenge.
Here's what I found:
1. First things first, define my niche. I need to determine the specific topic or theme for my channel. Done :-)
2. Ah, the all-important channel name! Gotta come up with something memorable and relevant. Done :-)
3. Next, I'll set up my channel. Create a YouTube account, set up my profile, and work on branding. Done :-)
4. A solid content strategy is a must. Time to decide on the types of videos I want to create and plan out a content calendar. A work in progress
5. Quality production requires good equipment. It's time to invest in a decent camera, microphone, and lighting gear. Done :-)
6. Now, I need to familiarise myself with video editing software. Gotta make those videos shine! Blimey… where to start… definitely a work in progress!
7. It's important to develop my own unique style. I'll experiment with different filming techniques, editing styles, and graphics to set my channel apart. Again, a work in progress.
8. Before I get rolling, I'll create an introductory trailer. This will give viewers a taste of what they can expect from my channel. Coming!
9. Engaging with my audience is crucial. I'll make sure to reply to comments, participate in discussions, and build a community around my content. I hope to get an audience, a community would be a bonus!
10. Last but not least, promotion! I'll share my videos on social media, collaborate with other YouTubers, and optimise them for search engines. Obviously for the future… work in progress.
Phew! It seems like a lot, but, as you can see, I've already made some progress.
Stay tuned for updates and mark your calendars because the trailer will go up on January 20th and the big launch is scheduled for February 1st... in the year 2024. Ha, ha! Hey, gotta give myself enough time to get everything in place, right?
Until next time, stay well, GG